Thursday, June 5, 2008

The monotony of monotony

I can set a thousand more such puzzles. But is it fun doing more of the same? Isn't it better to pull the plug when you feel like it? So, see ya folks. Some other place. Some other time. With some other game.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Puzzle # 16 - Unsolved

Blank Anagram Clue: Jargonize unvoice verb.

Coined Word Clue: In.

Identify the sportsman, brand & vegetable.

Puzzle # 15 - Solved

Blank Anagram Clue: Doomsday Zion Bin.

Container Word Clue: As.

Identify the font, moon and poem.

Priya bags 3 fillers.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Puzzle # 14 - Solved

Blank Anagram Clue: Rail Riot Jamboree.

Container Word Clue: It

Identify the pseudonym, country & movie.

Priya closes in with 3 more fillers.

Puzzle # 13 - Unsolved

Blank Anagram Clue: Beautify Sprawl Puff

Container Word Clue: Us.

Identify the mythological character, book and defense organization.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Puzzle # 12 - Solved

Blank Anagram Clue: Mind Diva's Pranks.

Container Word Clue: In.

Identify the newspaper, state & actress.


Ganz takes 3 more fillers.

Puzzle # 11 - Solved

Blank Anagram Clue: Persuaded Unpatriotic.

Coined Word Clue: An.

Identify the gemstone, philosopher & unit.


Bob's back with a bang. Gets 3 fillers.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Puzzle # 10 - Solved

Blank Anagram Clue: Hot Muslim Hertz Mum.

Container Word Clue: Is.

Identify the film, king & brand.

This is the last puzzle for the day. Those who take a shot at more than two puzzles will be deducted 3 fillers.

Ganz opens his account with 3 fillers.

Puzzle # 9 - Solved

Blank Anagram Clue: Bouncy Parsi Affair.

Container Word Clue: As.

Identify the drug, lake & ad agency.

Priya gets 3 fillers.